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Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, solid households is not an end in itself, but it is a prerequisite for political options in the future. Firstly for an active monitoring of the digital change. The digital transformation is central design task for the economy, science, but also - this is our part - for the policy. How about our competitiveness and therefore our future prosperity decide Germany and how the European Union in the second half of this decade here world's position, that is. The German Economics Ministry, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of digital infrastructure have developed a digital agenda which was adopted on 20 August in the Cabinet. It is a first step to actively accompany the technical revolution that deduced from the digitization in almost all areas of life, and to participate in politically.After the Cabinet decision on August 20 on October 21, the next step of the IT Summit is in Hamburg. He will be the central platform and will reflect the fields of activity of the digital agenda. With the three lead federal Ministers is a date that until then first essential points have made progress, for example on the subject of net neutrality or the specific timetable for the auction of the 700-megahertz frequencies, which are Very much important for that, that we promote the expansion of networks. We must understand that digitisation means not only high-speed Internet, IT security, or innovations in the field of telecommunications, but that it this time is not to an industrial revolution, so, as we know it from the history, with smoking chimneys of factories or machine noise, but in a completely different manner, but with equally fascinating changes.
The keyword is "Industry 4.0". What do you mean? It is To give more and more production processes, which can organize themselves, where the machines communicate with each other. This has Of course impact on the world of work, we also have discussed with the industry and the trade unions just a few days ago in Meseberg. It all business models and value chains on the head provided by small software applications, and services and production processes are steadily approaching and mesh. The computer as a device, as it is known today for us, will disappear more and more in the everyday objects and go up. This is the Internet of things, so A lot is the speech. So we are in a development, an Internet entrepreneur, app developers and all other entrepreneurs in the field of digital services are to a new middle class, and the middle class was always the backbone of Germany's. Therefore, it comes that we accompany this part of the middle class here, so he has good development prospects. That happens even through open innovation, it is nowadays so beautiful, so by providing access to the necessary sources. It also comes that we promote young entrepreneurs, particularly by the economy Minister, to develop better financing conditions. So, we will exempt for example the invest grants for venture capital by the income tax. Finally, we are working on other ways in which we can To give just such startups good conditions in Germany. A uniform development of city and country will be only possible in the future - we must not forget that approximately half of the population in rural areas alive, - if both alike have access to fast Internet. It comes not only to participation in economic opportunities; It's about participation in education and many other things, to equivalent living conditions in a broader sense. Therefore we define our goal to advance broadband high speed development so that the goal of 2018 a nationwide broadband coverage can be achieved with speeds of at least 50 megabits per second, now step by step.
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We To want to move things forward. Therefore, Federal Minister Dobrindt has established a "Network Alliance digital Germany" in which the individual steps are set. In addition to the development of the infrastructure it goes in the future also and especially – that will challenge Very much us, that we are busy, one hand and sustainability on the other side alike to unite security on – to the management of huge amounts of data; for big data will be the starting point of new value chains. Who do not participate, because he has already fear before the word, will not advance to these value chains. Therefore, we will set up two big-data competence centers in Berlin and Dresden and thus gain experience as value chains of the future can be made possible.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière has rightly said that we must have a debate on a new digital regulatory framework. The principle question is here again and again: How can we bring freedom and security in the network in line? Therefore, the Federal Government under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior works just on the first IT security law. It will be a special focus on the security of our infrastructure. We will promote the appropriate business models which make possible the developments in the economy. Germany is a leader in security technology in the digital realm. This should be expanded: initiatives such as "Security in the economy" and the "Alliance for cyber security" will be expanded.
Of course it all not only national can be regulated. Therefore, we need a unified data protection in Europe. This is the data protection regulation. Their adoption is of paramount importance; I brought this here before. However, we must take care that we do not weaken our own privacy in. Therefore, the negotiations are not easy. But: If we don't unify the economic and legal framework conditions including data protection in Europe, the single market in this area will not come to the development. Therefore, it is a matter that concerns the 28 Member States.
The development of the digital agenda must be not only in Germany, but also on a European scale. Our goal must be that we can act with American digital service providers as well as with Chinese network companies at eye level - particularly in the work of the new Commission -. The question is then: we are as good as the other, and we really can in future value creation and growth and jobs for Germany, but also for all Europe generate.
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